Friday, June 29, 2007

More Sports Camps and Friends in Town

This week Canyon did a basketball camp at the park near our house. Presley liked it because she got to go the playground everyday! Also, our friend Sean, who was in town for business, came over for some dinner and Euchre! And Ron and I also got to celebrate our anniversary with dinner and tickets to a concert at Fine Line (unfortunately no pictures from that). A very fun week!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Busy Sports Season Comes to End

Canyon had a busy season with soccer and baseball this summer. Both sports officially ended this past Saturday. Have enclosed a couple of pictures from the last day where we had "closing ceremonies" in baseball and medals in both sports. Also including our cheerleading "Bears". Presley was a great sport to cheer for Canyon. But she's definitely ready to start some sports and be part of the "team".

Monday, June 18, 2007

Auntie Comes to Town

Auntie came to visit us this past weekend. Had a fun weekend of outdoor activities on a very hot weekend. Went for music and ice cream at Lake Harriet. Took a ride on a paddle boat down the Mississippi. Played lots of games and made a fun Puppy Dog Salad from Presley's Highlights magazine. Please also take note of Presley's tomboy outfits. She's in full swing these days wearing "boy clothes" and being "cool" like her brother.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

It's Hard to Blog Daily

While Ron was in Israel for work. Mom and the kids went to check out Schooner Days, which is basically a traveling carnival complete with the carnie folks. Kids had fun on the rides.

Presley has recently been flrting with her neighbor pal Luke. They recently got to share some ice cream together. How special!

Also went to our local city zoo, Como Park Zoo, on a play date with some friends Morgan, Peyton, and Reagan. We got to see the seal show and eat ice cream.

And finally, Canyon started his second year of Rookie Camp Baseball. This year, his team is the Minnesota Twins and his mom is the Commissioner of his league. Pretty cool!

Monday, June 4, 2007

Belated Memorial Day Pictures

We celebrated Memorial Day with our good friends Mariana and Sammy. The kids loved the hot tub and Canyon especially enjoyed playing with his old friend Abby. And we all enjoyed listening to Daddy play the guitar.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Pergandes Go Golfing

Canyon and Presley got some golf clubs from Grammie for their birthday. They finally got to try them out at the local driving range. Mom and Dad practiced some strokes as well. Only a couple of fights over who had more balls to hit. Overall, a success! Thanks Grammie!