Sunday, February 24, 2008

A "Warm" Winter Day at Historic Murphy's Landing

After many, many cold winter days, Mom and the kids enjoyed a beautiful February day by venturing down to Historic Murphy’s landing, where we wandered through the mystical village of Eagle Creek. The kids enjoyed kick sledding, exploring the buildings, drinking apple cider, and learning about what life was like over 100 years ago. We also went on a winter hike, which Presley didn’t enjoy but Canyon loved. And we finished it off with a game of Checkers (one of Canyon’s favorite games) at the General Store!

Friday, February 22, 2008

New Events and New Looks

Canyon had his first school concert, a Valentines Day concert with the YMCA. It was so fun to see him sing. He's always been pretty shy about singing but for the concert, he just belted out the songs. He also got to announce one of the songs - "There's a Hole at the Bottom of the Sea". It was very fun and the kids did a great job!

Presley started Rookie Camp Hockey this past weekend. She was so excited to get geared up and play. She did great on her first outing and had fun!

Presley was showing off her super hero shirt that she got from Auntie Kimmy -- "Super Presley!"

And Canyon just took off ALL his hair! He's going for the David Beckham look from Soccer! Mom was shocked as the hair started falling. There's no going back now. But at least we know the hair will eventually grow back..... sometime.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

February 9th Birthday Celebration!

Presley and Canyon's birthday arrived!!!! We started the day with birthday waffles. The kids celebrated their birthday with 18 of their friends at the Lifetime Fitness Athletic Club. We played games, jumped in bouncers, got our faces painted, ate pizza and cake, and opened presents!! What a fun party. For our birthday night, we went as a family to a University of Minnesota gymnastics meet. It was a bone chilling night. But it was worth it. We wore our football jerseys and even got to meet Goldie Gopher. What a fun day!!

Birthday Week Activities

We celebrated the kids' birthdays over an entire week. Presley got "'geared" up for hockey. She's looking pretty good on the ice. Canyon and Mommy made and ate spiky hedgehogs from his Big Backyard magazine. We also took the kids roller skating for the very first time. Brought back fun memories for Mom and Dad too. And we started opening presents. Here are the cool puzzles of US that we got from Grammie!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Hockey and Princesses

Presley is starting to get into this whole princess thing. She was recently invited to a "Fancy Nancy" birthday party and decided to go out and purchase her very own princess dress. She wanted the full ensemble -- dress, wand, crown, glitter. She loved being Cinderella and even had shoes (passed down from cousins Rebecca and Hannah). Canyon is still enjoying hockey on the Dragon Mite team. Presley cheers him on and plays with neighbor MacKenzie.