Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Turn in Seasons

Presley shocked me this past week as she put on her PJs. "I am going to wear my Cinderella pajamas tonight." I was so shocked that I had to take a picture. She wore the pajamas the next night too and wanted to watch Snow White. Our funny little girl!

We were so excited that the tulips we planted as a family last fall came up this spring. We took some pictures to capture their first year in our yard!

Mom went to Boston this week to speak at the Front End of Innovation Conference. Her presentation went extremely well. On the last day of the conference, she was able to do the Freedom Trail to view the historic sights (like Paul Revere's house) before she caught her flight home.

And Canyon's first school year is nearing an end. This week he had his Kindegarten concert, where he and his schoolmates sang to us in both Spanish and English. And we also said goodbye to the interns that came from abroad to help in his school's classrooms. This is Caro, from Chile, at an end of the year picnic for the interns.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mid May Update

We've been getting back into the swing of things after our overseas adventures. Which is why I am behind on the Pergande updates. I did have to include an excerpt from the Sydney Bridge climb, a most amazing experience! On my last night in Sydney, I climbed to the top of the Sydney Harbor Bridge (attached by cords). I walked up at dusk and was able to see the transition from day to night. I was totally scared because of my fear of heights but the adventure was well worth it!

Since we've been back in Minneapolis, we are just getting back into our normal routines like making recipes from Canyon and Presley's magazines, getting ready for summer sports (soccer and baseball have just begun). On Mother's Day, Mom enjoyed a nice relaxing day with the family. We played tennis with Presley's school friend, Shelly the turtle, who visited us for the weekend, planted some flowers, went to church, and watched the season finale of Survivor. You might also notice that Canyon has a new cast on. When we went to see the orthopedic specialist at Children's, they said his arm wasn't healed enough. So he had to get a new cast for two more weeks. This one glows in the dark and is waterproof though, which makes it bearable for Canyon who is anxious to get his arm back!