Monday, September 29, 2008

Fun September Weekend

The Pergandes had a fun family weekend. We enjoyed bonfires, kids sports (soccer and hockey), date night for Mom and Dad, and fall festivals. Here are a couple of pics from the fall festival at St. David's school. The kids enjoyed the playground, nature walks, miniature golf, and sticking their heads in an alligator's head.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

End of "Summer" Updates

Today is officially the last day of summer. Here are some of end of summer updates. It took us all summer but we finally made it to a Twins game. The Twins played and beat the Kansas City Royals. The kids enjoyed keeping score and purchased their very first Twins shirts (with their own money!).

Mom had a business trip to Napa Valley. Before heading up to Napa, she visited with her college friend, Elaine, in San Francisco, walking along the beach, enjoying beach burritos, and seeing a special Indian art exhibit. In Napa, she stayed at the beautiful Carneros Inn enjoying wine, olive oil, fresh figs, and showers outside (and talking about innovation)!

On Friday, Mom and the kids headed to an afternoon of apple picking at Minnesota Harvest. The kids did a great job of picking and eating Harrelson and Courtland apples. We also made Apple Cinnamon muffins this weekend. Cheers to a great summer!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Continued Big Week - First Week of School

On Thursday, September 4th, Mom was picking up Canyon from school. He was showing his loose front tooth to a friend's Mom. As Mom began to talking to the other parent, Presley shouted, "Look at all the blood!". I turned and Canyon's mouth was bleeding. He had started to twist his front tooth. So we went to the bathroom, grabbed a paper towel, and Canyon yanked out the tooth the rest of the way. What a brave little guy!

The week ended with a vehicle fair at Presley's school. Visits from the fire truck, a mail truck, a snow plow, a street sweeper, a garbage truck, a police car, an earth truck and lots of treats and snacks. What a special and memorable first week of school.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Day of School - A Big Day!

This week the kids started school. Canyon started 1st grade with Senora Goldman. And Presley started her first day in the Chameleon room (Pre-K). We kicked off the day with the kids' choice breakfast. Canyon choose "Eggs Maxie" with eggs, sausage, and english muffins. Presley chose Lucky Charms, sausage, and english muffins. We also took our traditional first day of school photos outside in front of the tree. At the end of this special day, Canyon declared that his first day was "Awesome"! And Presley came home ready to ride her bike for the first time without training wheels. She just took off. Our babies are growing up sooooo fast!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Minnesota's Annual Get Together

Time for the Minnesota State Fair, a Pergande family favorite. This year, we started the day off early at 9:30 AM. We ate our way through the fair with cheese curds, smores, french fries, corn on the cob, pronto pubs, icies, a scotch egg (thanks to the recommendation from our neighbor Nick), and our very favorite Nitro icecream!! The kids loved their rides. Canyon talked Dad into going on the Octopus this year. Dad hates spinning rides and was up late the night before. Needless to say he wasn't feeling well and needed a rest afterwards! Mom took the kids on the river raft ride. And we ended the day with a show at the skate park and headed home around 4:00 PM. Whew! We all need a rest now!

Enjoying Local Neighborhood Treasures

Last year, Canyon and Mom discovered a very cool trail near our house. This last week, we decided to do a family adventure to see how far the trail went. On route to the trail we found a big turtle along side the road. Presley touched it's shell but the turtle "HISSED" at her. Our hike offered many cool twists and turns and creeks and hills. It felt like our very own State Park. But after about 2 miles (and 7 bridges and 3 plank ways) we decided to turned around. We'll have to find the end of the trail another day. Dad ended up carrying Presley most of the way home.