Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Auntie's Fall Visit

The kids are in a midst of a Halloween hangover. They love thinking about their treat for the day and even "organize" their candy on a regular basis.

Presley and Canyon have begun hockey season. This year Dad is joining Presley on the ice for Rookie Camp to help her have a good time. So far so good. Just a couple of "my feet hurt" each time. Check out those Green Bay packer colors!

Auntie came for her annual fall visit. She enjoyed reading with Canyon, doing really tough puzzles with the kids, having a fun night out at fondue, and watching them in their fall activities. Presley enjoyed showing off her cartwheels at gymnastics. Thanks for the visit Auntie!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Adventures

Halloween has to be one of our favorite holidays. This year was no exception. This year we had an amazing day in the 60s and it was a Friday night! The kids were anxious to get started. I finally let them go at 6PM even though it wasn't dark yet. In MN, they don't usually start until it's dark out. Presley changed her mind today and decided to go as Batman (Canyon's costumer from 2 years ago) instead of Darth Vader (her original choice). Canyon stayed as "Canyon the Rock Star" and even passed out autographs and sang songs for his candy. Dad took the kids through the neighborhood while Mom stayed at the house to hand out candy to over 100 kids (and cold beers for the parents). The night ended with many fun neighborhood gatherings.

On Saturday November 1st, we had an adult only Halloween Party. We went as Elvis and Priscilla Presley. Dressing up is a blast and isn't just for kids!

And the weekend continued to be full of awesome weather. We enjoyed Sunday outside at a local park with a great playground and trail system for scootering and walking. Even Stanley got some outside time. An overall amazing weekend for November!