Wednesday, January 28, 2009


The weather in Minnesota has been pretty unbearable this January. However, we have been trying to brave the cold, even with windchills into the negative double digits. This past weekend was the annual pond hockey tournament on Lake Nokomis. On Friday, Ron and I had a afternoon date (our 16th dating anniversary) to watch a game and cheer on some MN pals. We were bundled to the max (and still cold)!. On Saturday, it was even colder but we hosted 3 families for some sledding, hot cocoa, and hotdogs. Quick runs out. Quick back in. We are so ready for spring!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Third Lair Skate Park

The kids received skateboards from Santa this year for Christmas. They were so excited about the skateboards. But in Minnesota, there is no trying them outside for months. So we ventured to Third Lair Skate Park, a really cool indoor skate park. The kids took an hour lesson from T.J. who was very patient and got them comfortable on their "boards". Canyon was excited to come back again "next week". This past Sunday, Canyon also had hockey twice in one day. Between the games, we went to Dairy Queen for a team dinner. They even let Presley sit with them. Nice Red Wings!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Holiday Staycation

For the first time, the kids had off 2 weeks from school and Mom had two weeks off from work. After Christmas was over, Mom and the kids had a full week of playing. Presley got to bake with her new easy bake oven from Auntie. She was nice enough to share her delicious cake with all of us. We went tubing at Buck Hill. I have never flown so fast before. It was so fast that Presley's hat just flew off her head on one of the runs. We also went to Mall of America for a day at the indoor amusement park. The kids were in 7th heaven going on all the rides. This week, we also went to the movies, went ice skating, had friends over for a jammie jam and started getting our basement ready for the basement remodel project. A fun and productive week!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Holidays Are Here

What an adventurous holiday. We enjoyed the holidays with Grandma Harriet, Grammie, Uncle Don, Aunt Roz, Laila, and Aunt Kimmy. After detours and delays, the family arrived in chilly MN. Grandma Harriet got to see Canyon and Presley play hockey. Canyon pulled out another tooth on the way home from church. We did LOTS of puzzles as a family. We had a pizza party where everyone made their own pizzas. We enjoyed Juicy Lucys at Matt's bar. We went swimming at the gym where even Grandma Harriet went down the water slide. The sink and dishwasher broke (just in time for the holidays). Ron, Grandma Harriet, and Grammie tried to fix the sink but to no avail. Mariana and Sam joined us for Christmas dinner and afterwards Sammie rocked out on the alligator xylophone while Daddy played the guitar. Santa stopped by with lots of presents. We did some Christmas day sledding. And we ended with a bowling adventure where Mom perfected "her form" to score a high 180. We had a final dinner at Buca and said goodbye to our family. Whew!!! What a whirlwind!

The Holidays Are Coming

The holidays came up this year like a speed of light. We tried to catch up but always seemed to be in catch up mode. This year was Canyon's year to put the tree topper on our Christmas tree. Since Dad's back has been an issue this year, Mom took the honor of lifting Canyon. We did it!!

Presley went on an obstacle course at her gymnastics center. At the end of the course, Santa was waiting for her. However, she was very surprised because "Santa didn't remember my name".

Canyon is playing hockey on the Upper Mite Red Wings. Before the holidays, he received the "Choppin Wood" award (the hustle award) and got to wear the Choppin Wood jersey to one of his practices. That made his day!