Sunday, February 22, 2009

President's Day Week

The kids were off for President's Day. Mom and the kids went to the State Capitol to see "President Lincoln" read the Gettysburg Address. The kids made Abraham Lincoln hats and learned about the freedom of speech. Native Dakota Indian protesters were there to interrupt the speech to express their negative views of Lincoln for condoning the execution of Native American lives during his presidency. A good learning day. We finished the day with lunch in St. Paul and a swim at the Lifetime Pool.

This week Canyon had his annual YMCA concert. Mom was proud because Canyon sang loudly, louder than she has ever heard him sing before!

And this was a big week for Presley. On Saturday morning, Presley announced that she had a loose tooth. I didn't believe her at first because she's been talking about loose teeth for 2 years and this is a year before Canyon lost his first tooth. However, she showed me that it was true. That loose tooth didn't stand a chance against Presley. She worked it and worked it and by noon she had forced it out. The tooth fairy came for a visit as well. Good thing Santa had brought her a tooth box to put under her pillow this past Christmas!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

2009 Birthday Celebrations

For the first time, the kids decided to have separate birthday celebrations.

On Saturday, February 7th, Presley had a PAJAMA birthday party with some of her friends from her school. The party centered around "P" activities with kids decorating PIGGY banks with PAINT PENS, playing PIN the nose on the clown, playing hot POTATO, giving out PENNIES for prizes, and having a PIRATES of the Caribbean cake. 4 and 5 year olds have lots of energy so Mom and Dad were exhausted at the end. Thanks to Canyon for being a great helper.

On Sunday, February 8th, Canyon took two school friends, Max and Joseph, to his very first Wilds Hockey Game. We started off the day at Punch Pizza. It was an amazing game with the Wild finally winning after an overtime, shoot out, and sudden death shoot off.

Usually we take the kids out for dinner on their actual birthday. However, on Sunday night, after the hockey game (and Canyon's own hockey game), Canyon got a very bad case of stomach flu with a 103 fever. He stayed home from school on his actual birthday and then Presley came down with a bad case of croup. We were finally able to take the kids to their favorite restaurant, Osaka, on Wednesday, with one of Ron's colleagues who was in town. The kids loved the flames, the flying shrimp, and the mask they get to put on their head. The kids are now 5 and 7. Boy does time fly by!

Canyon Meets the Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon IMAX movie came to the Minnesota Science Museum. We took Canyon to see and meet his namesake. The film is fittingly set to music by the Dave Matthews Band. Canyon loved it and can't wait to visit in real life. Presley was scared by the rapids on the Colorado river and now "never wants to go to the Grand Canyon". We were also able to check out a cool water exhibit at the museum and the kids got to be news anchors. In St. Paul, the Winter Carnival was also going on during our visit. It was a warm day but we were able to check out some of the ice sculptures before they melted away.