Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What's Going on in March

March has been filled with both ups and downs. On the downside, Canyon caught strep twice (yes twice) in the same month and was also diagnosed with mono. Today, we discovered he has an enlarged spleen so we now have to keep him out of hockey and other sports for a couple of weeks. Just want to get our little guy healthy. On the upside, we had some fun activities like Mom's trip to NYC to go to the Ed Paschke art opening at the Gagosian Gallery. Presley also had fun dressing up for St. Patty's Day in Aunt Kimmy's gifts (Canyon was at home sick), and Presley and Dad brewed some beer together.

Minnetonka Mite Jamboree

The official hockey season has come to an end (and the unofficial season begins). The year ends with a tournament where they announce each player, play the national anthem, and play teams from other cities. They had a photographer on hand to catch some great pictures. The Blackhawks had an amazing season with great teammates and great coaches.