Thursday, May 19, 2011

Soccer Season Begins

Canyon's second season with his U9 team began in April. The team is very talented and work really well together. Here are some recent pics from a local tournament where the Eden Prairie Fireballs won both of their tournament games.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mom Heads to Orlando

Mom headed to Orlando for General Mill's National Sales Meeting. I was fortunate to go early and spend 2 days in the Villages. In the Villages, I spent an amazing 48 hours with Granny, where I learned about her as a child and as a young mother. And I continue to be amazed at her continued zest for life! We went swimming, went to the evening village concerts, and had great conversations. She is truly a special person! I was also very fortunate to spend time with Grandma Wanda, Aunt Joy & Uncle Bud, and Aunt Mary. We had a really nice visit together!

National Sales is always a fun event. This year I was fortunate to go kayaking for one of our extra activities. Really enjoyable and peaceful afternoon through beautiful country.

Special Memories for Uncle Dick

On May 4th, we found out that Ron's "Uncle" Dick had passed away. Uncle Dick is a very special person. Ron will forever cherish the memories when he was able to accompany Dick and the boys on one of their annual fishing trips (and Dick's last) to Canada.

Rest in Peace, Uncle Dick!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Easter Twins Game

2011 has been a very cold spring in the Twin Cities. However, Easter was a beautiful day and the Pergandes enjoyed an awesome day at the Twins stadium. Has also been a rough start to the Twins season. But the Twins pulled it out during our visit. Fun family day. Kids also enjoyed going down on the field after the game and running the bases.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Easter 2011

When we arrived home from Jamaica, we found out that Grandma Harriet got very sick in Australia while visiting Aunt Kathy. We were very sad and somber but wanted to send good thoughts and prayers to Grandma Harriet to get well soon. Our Easter weekend festivities included making an Easter house (gift from Grandma Harriet), visiting the Easter Bunny with Presley's new BFF Taylor, and our traditional egg decorating festivities. It was a peaceful holiday with hope for good health and happiness for our families.

Spring Break - Jamaica

Pergandes travelled with our pals the Holjes to Beaches Boscabel in Jamaica this year for the kids' spring break. Jamaica was a wonderful place with great people ("Irie Mon"), great weather, and a great resort. The kids loved playing in the pool, on the beach, and enjoyed all the fun resort activities. We also ventured to Dunn Rivers Falls where we climbed the famous falls from the bottom to the top. Unfortunately, on the trip, our camera was taken and we lost all of our pictures. Hoping to get some soon from our pals. Have a couple of resort pictures and a sunset from Ron's phone. We were spoiled with a room overlooking the ocean and unlimited food and drink. Kids loved Jamaica and being there with their pals. Ya mon!