Monday, October 31, 2011

Blue Dogs Win 4th Grade Championship

This was Canyon's first year playing football. But I don't think it is his last. His team, the Blue Dogs, won the championship and now Canyon is hooked. Canyon "the flattener" Pergande, played Quarterback, front lineman, and middle linebacker this year. Fun season, great team!

MEA Weekend 2011

Mom and kids headed north (Dad out of town for work) for the long MEA weekend with friends. We stayed at Cross Lake and also played at Gull Lake with more friends. We enjoyed lots of fishing, swimming (inside and outside -- brrr....), sunsets, bonfires, and a Haunted House with all the kids (a lot of them). Mom was also went to the spa for some relaxing treatments and enjoyed some nice walks in the woods! Nice weekend, just missed Dad!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fun Fall Activities

Canyon started football this year. So it was a special treat when Mom got club level tickets to the new Gopher Stadium and was able to take Canyon for a night of football. It was a beautiful night (even though the Gophers lost to North Dakota).

Each year, the kids' school hosts a fund raiser "Fun Run" where the kids and parents run 1 mile around Round Lake. This year, Mom and Presley enjoyed the race. Presley did AWESOME, running the entire time around the lake. She stayed tough and kept running! It was also fun to see her with all of her friends!