Sunday, February 19, 2012

Canyon's First Hockey Tourney in Superior WI

We had a new first hockey experience with Canyon's first Squirt tournament. The weekend was fun for both the kids and the parents. Canyon's Squirt B team took 4th place with some really great games and really great fans! We went to Superior Wisconsin, which is just around the corner from Duluth. Our hotel had a great watermark, which the kids loved and some moms (me) tried out as well. Our team took over an entire hallway with each room marked with a kids name and number. The nights were filled with music and great chats. Fun experience. Great team.

Presley's Ski Season Continues

It is so fun to see Presley truly enjoy skiing this season. She skis every Monday and Wednesday nights and then has 4 "Race" days on Sunday mornings. She is excited to go early and stay late to get "free runs" in. She skis with Team Gilboa, which has about 120 racers in the Junior program from ages 5-10 at Hyland, a local park about 15 minutes from our house. Also at Hyland, is one of the big ski jumps. We were fortunate to catch a ski jumping competition on one of her skiing nights. Totally unbelievable experience where the racers literally "WHIZ" by you, jumping 80+ meters. Fun to watch but happy that my kids are sticking to the slopes.

The Real Birthday - February 9th

February 9th was a special but low key day. We kicked of the morning with the kids favorite breakfast request - Eggs Maxie. After school, we opened presents from family. And then the kids chose their favorite dinner place - Osaka -- where they cook in front of you, shoot shrimp into your mouth, and sing to you while you are wearing a goofy mask. Our kids are growing up so fast. When the kids turn 10, we promised to take them to their namesake. This year, we will be taking the kids to the Grand Canyon to celebrate Canyon's namesake. Happy Birthday Canyon and Presley!

Presley's 8th Birthday Celebration

In 2011, Presley missed her birthday party because she was sick. This year she was healthy and had a great birthday. She invited 4 friends for an afternoon and evening of fun. We picked Presley and her pals up from school and headed to the bowling alley for some bowling, pizza, and cake. And then we headed to the movie theater to see Big Miracle, the true story about whales rescued in Alaska. We dropped off the boys and Presley finished off her birthday with a sleepover with her friends Taylor and Alex. Presley was super thoughtful and encouraged her friends to give gifts for the kids in the hospital instead of her. We recently dropped off the presents for the kids in the hospital. It was a great experience. Happy 8th Birthday Presley!