Thursday, June 28, 2012

Grammie's Visit

We were so fortunate to have Grammie come visit for a couple of days. Grammie came to watch the kids while Ron and I went to the Rivers Edge Festival on Harriet Island on Saturday and Sunday nights to celebrate the Summer Solstice and see Dave Matthews Band. It was a great weekend filled with baseball for the kids, nice chats with Grammie, and fun live music for Mom and Dad.

Canada - Celebrating Uncle Dick & Canadian Hockey

Ron went fishing in Canada at Nestor Falls to celebrate the life of Richard Demnicki. The boys enjoyed a great week of fishing and memories and had a nice memorial service for Uncle Dick, who now has a permanent memorial in one of his favorite spots.

That very same week, Canyon had his first hockey tournament in Winnipeg. Mom and the kids drove up to pick up Ron in Cloquet where we had a quick visit with Uncle Wally (who drove there with Ron) and then headed north and west to Winnipeg. In Canada, his hockey team faced some very tough teams (in all ways). After a couple of losses, his team did win a couple of games and Canyon even won Game MVP for one of the games. The experience was a big one for him, with strong team bonding both on and off the ice. When not playing, the kids enjoyed swimming in the hotel pool and checking out Assiniboine Park, Winnipeg's oldest park, complete with zoo, nature playground, and restaurants.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Cubs Come to Minneapolis

Our beloved Chicago Cubs come to Minneapolis about once every 4 years. Pergandes went on Friday night with our fellow Cub fans/friends, the Donahues. It was a fun extra inning game (Cubs lost). Pergandes enjoyed taking the bus to and from the game! We were also fortunate to get tickets to Sunday's game. Dad was gone fishing. So Mom and the kids took one of Canyon's pals. This time the Cubs won and the kids enjoyed running the bases after the game!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Last Days of School

The last days of school were bittersweet this year because the kids will be moving to new teachers next year after 2 years with the same teachers. Presley had an amazing teacher, Srta. Koch., who really takes education to the next level with compassion and special attention to the needs of each student. Canyon had Sra. Pastrana, a teacher who taught him the importance of discipline and respect.

During the last 10 days of school, Presley fell on her scooter in our driveway (not wearing a helmet!), and gouged her head open. We had to take her to the emergency room where she got her head "glued" back together!

For Presley's class, the last 10 days were all special dress up days (mix and match day, pajama day, beach day, etc.). One of the days, was Animal Day where Presley dressed up as a cute penguin. Also important to note that she has no hat on. Doctor recommended that she not wear a hat for 3-4 days as her injury heals. Almost didn't recognize that cutie pie!

Presley's class also had a special author's tea, where the kids created and read their Penny Books. In their Penny Books, the kids documented special events from the first 8 years of life. Super cool! Here is Presley with Srta. Koch.

Canyon's last days were also marked by a very special event. He successfully put contacts into his eyes (with lots of help from Mom). So excited to not have to wear his glasses when he's playing sports or to school (although he didn't wear them to school anyways). On his last day, his class room celebrated pajama day.

A very special ending to 2nd and 4th grade!

Memorial Day Camping at Taylors Falls

Pergandes have gotten into an annual tradition of going camping every Memorial Day Weekend. For the last 3 years, we have gone camping with our good friends, the Holjes. This year we camped at Interstate Park in Taylor's falls, a beautiful park along the St. Croix River. Our campsite was right along the river.

Setting up our "1 Minute" picnic shelter in about 40 minutes.

Fishing right from our campsite.

Leaving the campsite to go bowling during a rainstorm.

Checking out an amazing sculpture garden that brings artists from around the world.

Staying dry with Grandpa Don's camper trailer.

The camping crew after we closed down our campsite for the weekend.

Last day hiking along the river bluffs.

Awesome weekend! Until next year!!

Nickelback Concert

Mom got to take her work team to the Nickelback Concert at the Target Center for an end of year celebration. It was a fun event where we got to meet everyone's spouses finally. And some of the team really got into it, even wearing wigs to show their "spirit".