Friday, July 6, 2012

4th of July 2012

It has been hot, hot, hot this summer. On the 4th of July, temps soared above 100 degrees. But that doesn't stop the tough Minnesotans. Presley played baseball in the annual firecracker games. We stayed cool with wet towels, lots of water, and shade when we could grab it. We ended our day with swimming and BBQ with Aunt Barbara and then slip and sliding and water fights at our friends' Cort and Ann. Hoping it cools off soon! Happy Birthday America!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Warrior Dash 2012

Warrior Dash 2012 was Auntie Kimmy's and Trisha's second Warrior Dash. This year we were also joined by Ron, Kim's friend John and the Kadow clan. It was an amazingly tough and fun day. We got a late start and thus missed running it with the Kadows. And while this year seemed tougher with more uphills and hotter weather, Ron and Trisha stayed together as a team (through the rope crawls, wall climbs, tunnels, fire jumping, hurricane rains, and mudslinging). And we even managed to improve our time by about 5 minutes from last year. This year the event raised money for St. Jude's Hospital. Trisha was the top fundraiser in MN (thank you to those who supported) and was able to treat the family to free food, personal showers, and some well needed shade. Afterwards, we came home and had a relaxing evening on the porch with the kids, playing cards and enjoying Presley's dress up adventures! Fun weekend!