Monday, August 27, 2012

Goodbye to the Prius

Mom has absolutely loved her Prius for the last 5 1/2 years and 93,000 miles. But this week she said goodbye to her beloved Prius to make room for a bigger family car to house hockey bags, friends, and other gear. We sold the car on Craigslist in less than a couple of hours. Timing for our new car worked out well as we hosted the Johnston family and were able to take one vehicle to the State Fair, to the Mall of America, and to the airport! Fun weekend!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Turnip Rock Farm Pizza Party & Campout

We host a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) farm drop site at our home every summer for about 20 members. Every Thursday, Turnip Rock Farm drops off the freshest bounty of organic vegetables and fruit straight from the farm to our house. We have been with farmers Josh and Rama Bryeson for about 6 years. This year, they hosted a pizza party with wood fired pizzas fresh from their new Earth Oven all afternoon on their farm in New Auburn, WI.

We were excited to hang out at the farm with the chickens, cows, pigs, and other CSA members. It was a bit of rough start when we arrived and Canyon got stung by a bee from the farm bee hives in his ear and got a bloody nose at the exact same time. But he powered through and we set up camp, toured the farm, played frisbee and football, and ate pizza and aged farm cheeses. We got a surprise rain shower but we hung out in one of the sheds until it passed by with Ron playing the guitar. The evening ended with an amazing bonfire!

Woke up the next morning to some delicious coffee with fresh cream and caramel! Thanks Farmer Josh and Rama and Otto for a super fun time!

Football Season & The Kids First NFL Football Game

Canyon has just started his 2nd year of football. The 90 lb, 5 foot, Canyon is on the Red Team with the same coach he had last year. The association had extra tickets to the first Vikings preseason game against the Buffalo Bills. It was the kids' first NFL game ever. It was a super fun night that included playing games outside the stadium before the game, eating treats inside the stadium, and taking part in a 20 minute wave that included throwing pamphlets up in the air.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Random August Memories

End of summer always brings lots of great experiences. This summer we are renovating our garage. As we clean out the garage, we have come across very special mementos. This special memento is from Canyon's Halloween when we was 2. Dad helped Canyon become a Strawberry Milk Truck by building/creating a costume from scratch. This very special creation has been in our collection now for 8+ years. Here is Presley modeling the creation to capture this very special work of art! Thanks Dad!

In August, Canyon got the special treat of walking on the Twins field with his AAA baseball team because his team made it to the Championship game in his division. Super cool event to do with his friends and a great way to wrap up a great season!

Auntie Experiences the Real Minnesota

Auntie usually makes a trip to MN during the summer months. It's a nice time to visit this chillier than usual town. On this visit, she experienced real Minnesota culture. The weather during her visit was amazing. However, Auntie was "lucky" to be able to spend most of her visit in a cold hockey rink watching Canyon play in a tournament in the "Super Rink". Outside of hockey, we enjoyed some nice chats, arts and crafts with Presley, and some new fun games. Thank you Auntie for making the jaunt to MN!!

Macy's Glamorama

Pergandes enjoyed another great Glamorama with the UCLA General Mills team. Glamorama is a fashion fundraiser that raises money for Children's Cancer. Super fun event that helps us feel young and hip again!

Kids Sea Camp in Bonaire

Kids Sea Camp Poem by Presley and Canyon Pergande

We came to kids sea camp in Bonaire,
The sun was hot and so was the air.

We were excited to swim and dive,
We had no fear, we felt alive!

We swam and played all day long,
Until the night came along.

We walked the plank on Sunday night,
The sunset light was really bright.

In the ocean, the water is full of salt,
Whenever we swallow it, we want a chocolate malt.

On Monday we went tubing on the red shark,
When we jumped off, the sea was dark.

On Tuesday, we went to the donkey farm and gave them bread,
If you are not careful, you will get bit in the head.

We searched the resort, finding coconuts in the trees,
We cracked them open with rocks, because they were too tough to squeeze.

On Wednesday, we toured the island and made skid marks,
We went so fast, we made tons of sparks.

When we were snorkeling, we saw a tarpon,
His name is George and his teeth are sharpened.

At night we watched tv and laid in our beds,
As visions of turtles and parrot fish danced in our heads.

Who would have guessed that we would actually get to scuba dive,
We equalized our ears and gave high fives.

Thank you Ocean Annie for introducing us to Kids Sea Camp!
A super cool vacation that gets us amped!