Saturday, December 29, 2012

A Festive Family Holiday

This year, our Minnesota Christmas was blessed with a full house of family visitors. On the 19th, Annie, Terry, Don, Roz and Laila arrived from Seattle and Aspen, respectively. Kim and Grammie arrived on the 22nd. Our week stayed busy with lots of Hockey. Auntie Annie took over 1,000 pictures for his team. We also enjoyed knee hockey in the basement, cookie making with Grandma Harriet, and two concerts (one concert at the famous First Avenue). Fun family festivities.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Season Begins

This year it was Canyon's turn to put Santa on top of the tree. We enjoyed decorating the tree over several days as a family.

Grandma Harriet arrived on December 16th. On her first night, we took her downtown to check out the Holidazzle parade for it's last night of the season. Fun start to the busy holiday season.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Ron's Surprise 46th Birthday

Ronnie had an amazing surprise for this birthday. Two of his very best buddies, Mike and Terry, surprised him (shell shocked him) by showing up at a local holiday party on Saturday, December 8th for his birthday. And then on the 9th, he enjoyed a snowy day at the Bears/Vikings game with his best buddies. Although the Bears didn't come out on top, Ron declared this one of his best birthdays ever. Thank you Mike and Terry for making it so special!!