Monday, June 24, 2013

MN Icemen take Winnipeg by Storm!

This was our second annual trip to Winnipeg. Canyon's summer hockey team heads up to play hockey with the toughest of the tough hockey players. Canyon loves it while Mom gets nervous. We had a great week and the MN Icemen surprised everyone with a 2nd place win, losing only to the Manitoba Mustangs. Our week was filled with lots of hockey, morning trips to Tim Horton, swimming at the pool (Presley was amazing at keeping her cast out of the water), sibling fun, and ending with a long Dad's day drive back to MN. Fun weekend!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Girls Night at the Twins Game

Boys couldn't make it to the Twins game. We had an awesome girls night with the Twins beating our hometown White Sox. We watched the game from all over the stadium, enjoyed baseball field classics and the new AZ Canteen burger. Fun night! Thanks Koeppls for helping to make it happen!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Time to Say Goodbye to Cristina from Spain

Our family has had the honor of hosting Cristina from Spain for the last school year. It was time to say goodbye as Cristina heads back to look for a teaching job. The kids have really enjoyed having Cristina in our family and we will miss her. We had a send off with some of her friends on the last night and then we said goodbye as a family. We are hoping to book a trip to Spain to see her and meet her family next year. Hasta luego Cristina!

End of School Year Milestones & Events

It's the end of the school year for Canyon and Presley. While it doesn't feel like summer, the calendar says it is so. Both Presley and Canyon had end of school pool parties with their classes. They both liked their classes and their teachers. Canyon had Senorita Kinsella for 5th Grade and Presley had Senora Pierson for 3rd grade.

Presley went to get her cast checked out and she has a confirmed growth plate fracture. The doctor assured me that her arm would not grow crooked and that we had taken all the right precautions. She recieved a third cast that will be on for 4 weeks. Presley is getting quite sassy in her color and design selection.

Canyon also had a milestone event at church. He graduated from Upper Room Kids. He has been with the most amazing leader, Cristian, for the last several years. For his ceremony, he received a bible and will now attend the regular service with Mom and Dad. He will also hopefully start Upper Room Junior High in the fall on Wednesdays.

In our neighborhood, we have an annual graduation ceremony party for all the kids completing the school year. It's a great event with pizza, ice cream, and an awards ceremony where the kids talk about their past year with other kids in their grade. Thanks to Kimballs for hosting such a wonderful annual event.