Thursday, August 29, 2013

Summer is Flying By But We Are Enjoying It

We have definitely been making the most of the summer. Presley and Mom are on a mission to ride all the trails in Eden Prairie and beyond. This picture is from a 8 mile bike ride we enjoyed at Elm Creek Park Reserve. That day, we also enjoyed playing games at the Pierre Bottineau house in the park.

Mom just launched one of her first big projects, Pillsbury Pancake Batter, out of General Mills. We were out supporting the launch at a sampling event at the St. Paul Saints event. Fun game with the doughboy!

We are also enjoying other fun activities like Movies in the Park. Presley and her friend Paige, were enjoying some time at the park before the movie started.

Canyon was invited to a friends house for some fun and crazy tubing.

We also were honored to witness one of Presley's favorite teachers get married at the beautiful Basillica Church of St. Mary's in downtown Minneapolis. It was a beautiful wedding and it was fun to see the other kids that came out to witness the wedding. Senorita Koch is a very special teacher and we are so sad to hear that she is moving. We will miss you!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Quality Time with the Kids

This past week, we got some quality "kid" time with each of the kids. Canyon got the special opportunity to travel to Voyageurs National Park with a friend for his birthday. While he was gone, Mom, Dad, and Presley had some special time together. We went to Valley Fair twice that week, going on scary rides like Xtreme Swing, having fun desserts like ice cream and funnel cake, getting soaked on the log ride, and checking out one of the largest dinosaur exhibits in the US.

While Presley was at hockey one night this week, Canyon and Mom headed over to Hyland Park to play frisbee golf. They have two very cool courses. For our first venture out, we tried the shorter course. We had a blast as a team and saw a ton of woodchucks. After golf, we picked up Presley, and headed to a late night showing of Percy Jackson (one of Canyon's favorite book series). The kids made it through the whole movie, even though Mom snoozed once or twice. Fun night with the kids.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Celebrating our Great Grandmothers

We traveled to The Villages in Florida to celebrate Great Grandma Wanda's 95th birthday with family. Cousins and Aunts and Uncles traveled from Colorado, Utah, California, Chicago, Ohio, and Minnesota. It was a great celebration of life and love.

We were fortunate to be able to stay at Great Granny's house on her last weekend in the Villages. While we were in town, we also visited with Aunt Colleen and Aunt Carol, who were in town to help move Granny closer to family in Red Wing, MN. We celebrated her last weekend with some of her favorite things -- live music at Spanish Springs, games in her home, and a couple of cold beers! A special time with a special woman.

Our celebration of Grandma Wanda was filled with lots of fun activities. A special thanks to Uncle Bud and Joy for their hospitality, their planning, and their generosity. We started the weekend with an open house at their home on Williams road. The cousins came out for reconnecting, swimming in the pool, and singalongs (even Great Grandma Wanda got into the fun).

On Saturday, we started the day with an early morning golf scramble at the beautiful Arnold Palmer Legends course. We were paired with Uncle Hank and Aunt Stella. We had a good group and balanced each other out well!

The day continued with more celebrations. After golf, we celebrated Great Grandma Wanda at the Waterfront Inn with a nice lunch and Stolat birthday songs. We took a small rest and then headed to Katie Belle's for a final celebration and dancing. Fun night, fun family, and a wonderful celebration of life!