Saturday, November 26, 2016

Phi Mu Reunion in Austin

Hard to believe but it has been 25 years since Mom graduated from U of I. This month, she travelled to Austin to reconnect with 12 of her sorority sisters where we rented a house for the weekend. It was a wonderful weekend in a fun city. While in town, Mom also got to see cousins Meghan and Cody (and newest cousin Peyton). Fun weekend with some amazing women!!

Our awesome house...

Lunch with Cody and Meghan

Dinners & Nights Out on Rainey Street and 6th Street

Lunch at Lady Lake

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

All The Pergandes Get in on Halloween Fun

With Halloween on a Monday and the kids getting older, we thought we might all decide to chill at home and hand out candy to the local neighborhood kids. However, Presley got the family action started by leaving home to go trick or treating with a couple of friends. Canyon was just chilling at home with some friends when Mom pulled out the old costume box. Canyon and his buddies actually got into the spirit and decided to stop at a couple of the neighborhood houses in their newly created costumes. I asked these "HUGE" trick or treaters to not scare the little kids and prepped our neighbors that some large kids might be stopping by. Mom and Dad didn't want to be left out. Since, the Bears were playing on Monday Night Football, we decided to dress up as "108" celebrating the recent Cubs World Series win! Never too old to get dressed up!