Saturday, October 12, 2019

1str Round College Applications Are Complete!

Canyon has been working hard all summer on his college applications, writing essays and research different schools. For his first round, Canyon has applied to 4 schools. I am so proud of his hard work and diligence. I know he will go far! Here's a pic of Canyon after he submitted his applicstion to Mom and Dad's alma mater.

Also adding a couple of pics from Dad's trip out east to visit one of his best friends, Steve, in NYC and on Nantucket. Think they had a great trip!

Powderpuff & Dudes Dance Team

One of Eden Prairie's great homecoming traditions is their annual fall fundraiser. This year's fundraiser was for Special Olympics. The girls play flag football, or Powderpuff Football. Each class is coached by the senior boys from the football team. Seniors play Juniors and Sophomores play freshman. Between the two games, the Dudes Dance team, coached by the senior girls from the dance team, perform for the fans. It's fun event. The kids look forward to this event every year and have a blast planning. And it raises money for a good cause.

Presley played for the Sophomore Girls team (they beat the Freshman). And Canyon performed with the Dudes dance team. Mom was out of town for the actual game but was able to capture some pictures from when the boys performed for the school pep rally and at the dress rehearsal the night before. Great traditions!

Senior Homecoming

This will be a year of "lasts" with Canyon. He went to homecoming with his "Squad" of friends and his friend Grace who he went to some dances with in the past.

Fall Pictures

Canyon is a Senkor and that means Senior Portraits. He wasn't really in to taking pictures but I was able to get a referal for someone who took some great shots of him. This is one of my favorites. Presley also got some pictures taken for soccer that I like. Including a couple of my favorite in here....

