Monday, December 30, 2019

Christmas 2019

Christmas came fast this year. And Pergandes were catching up. This year, the Pergandes hosted Grandma Harriet, Grammie, Aunt Kimmy, Uncle Don, Laila, David, Jonathan and Jozy (the neighbor's dog). It was a full household. Great to have family hear and enjoy new and old traditions together.

Grandma Harriet joined us for Christmas tree decorating. It was Canyon's year to put on the Santa Tree topper.

Grandma Harriet worked with the kids on gingerbread cooking baking and decorating.

Aunt Kimmy treated us to awesome Christmas pajamas!

Jonathan enjoyed snuggling with everyone.

Santa brought new phones for the kids, which they enjoyed activating right away at the Apple Store.

And unfortunately, the holiday season also included an ACL operation for Presley, who was injured during a hockey game against one of the team's biggest rivals, Minnetonka. Surgery was scheduled for Decmeber 30th, which also gives us a week to recover before school starts back up.

November & December Family Excerpts

Presley and Mom continue to participate and volunteer in National Charity League. This is our selfie from the annual tea at Interlachen Country Club.

We enjoyed our annual family Thanksgiving tradition, which included football watching, game playing, and a traditional Thanksgiving dinner that everyone helped make. This year, Domino decided to join in on the Domino game.

Presley's season started off with a bang as one of the top defense for her high school team. We had a surprise visit from the cousins Tim and Tara who showed up to cheer on Presley at the Farmington game.

Chicks with Wicks had to say "see you soon" to their pal Lynette who is moving to Arizona for her husband's new job. Going to miss this chick!

The soon to be four driver household welcomed a new car into the family. Canyon will be the lucky primary driver of this new Honda HRV. Everyone but Dad was excited for this new addition to the family.