Monday, April 9, 2012

Day 2 - 9.5 Mile Hike Out of the Canyon

Day 2 was both tough and exhilarating. We started our morning at 5:15 am to break down camp, return our tent and sleeping bags to Phantom Ranch, eat some "breakfast", and then begin our 9 hour ascent out of the canyon by 6:30 am. It was a bit scary when we were less than a half hour in and Presley declares that "she's tired". It was also a bit scary when we began our climb out of the river and we quickly ascended to a trail with sheer drops along the river (note no pictures due to Mom's fear). But then the Pergandes ultimately got into a groove, with regular rests and a strong determination!

About 2 miles into our hike, we came to Mom and Dad's first destination into the Canyon (the actual point where we stopped before heading back out) in 2001. It was a nice memory to point out to the kids.

Bright Angel Trail had some nice adventures with several creek crossings and a stop at Indian Gardens campground where the squirrels were quite bold and courageous. As the trail progressed, Mom tried to keep up with Canyon (who was on a mission to finish) and Dad helped to inspire Presley.

And in the end, it was a true Pergande team effort, and we celebrated this huge accomplishment as we exited the Canyon at 3:45 pm after our two day adventure.

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