Saturday, October 26, 2013

MEA Weekend in Red Wing, MN

MEA weekend is a weekend where the kids have off Thursday and Friday from school. We decided this year to go to Red Wing, MN to enjoy the fall colors and spend some quality time with Great Granny, who is now living in MN. The Kadows invited us to spend time at their cabin on their nearby land where they are building a home, have a beautiful garden, and are down the road from the Trannels. It's an absolutely beautiful property with gorgeous surroundings. Thank you so much for sharing their space with us.

On our first day in town, the kids and Mom started their day in downtown Maiden Rock at the famous Pelican Bake Shop. Yum, yum! We enjoyed pumpkin pie, garden quiche, and a chocolate peanut butter cookie!

We then headed into Red Wing and Welch Village to enjoy a 13 mile bike ride on the Cannon Valley bike trail, a beautiful trail that runs along the Cannon river. The kids did awesome -- their longest bike ride ever! And the fall colors were absolutely gorgeous!

After our amazing bike ride, we stopped in Red Wing and visited the famous Uffda shop, where we bought some fun Xmas presents for family. Dad met us at the Smokin' Oak for dinner and then we headed "home" to enjoy bonfires and game playing at the cabin!

On Saturday, we started our day by visiting the neighbor's farm. Presley fed the horses and the chickens. We spent the afternoon at Robyn and Ryan's super cool new home, a converted barn that they are renovating. We enjoyed a nice afternoon with Granny before heading back to the Kadow land to enjoy some hikes on their property, more bonfires, and more games! Fun, fun weekend for the Pergande crew!

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