Friday, March 27, 2009

Spring is is Here

Spring is here in many ways for the Pergandes. We just embarked on our basement remodel project. Here's one snapshot of the unfinished before pics. I am trying to take pictures throughout the process.

We also had a beautiful first weekend of Spring. The kids spent the weekend in shorts. We did some spring cleaning of the garage. And we also headed to North Mississippi Regional Park to learn about foxes, play at the playground, and walk along the Mississippi river.

Presley showed us she's still our little girl by first falling asleep with her doll's pacifier and then dressing up like Mommy.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

End of Season Mite Jamboree

The Red Wing Season finale was this past weekend with a Mite tournament with about 20 teams from nearby suburbs. Each game started with the announcing of the players' names over the loud speaker and the national anthem at center ice. Canyon played one of his best games ever, aggressively going after the puck, trying to keep two hands on the stick, and the stick on the ice. Presley played with the "boys" and the Red Wing fans cheered our favorite team on. Here's to a fun season!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Aspen Family Vacation

We ventured out to Aspen to see the Aspen Pergande clan for the first time as a family and try out skiing for the first time as a family. Uncle Don and Aunt Roz were AMAZING hosts. Uncle Don drove all the way to Eagle to pick us up from our flight. We stopped by the Grizzly Creek for a bathroom break and a beer on route to Aspen. In Aspen, our first stop was the ski shop. The kids were excited to get ski equipment. However, on our first day of ski school, Presley was definitely not up for it as you can see in the picture with her teacher. After 24 hours, we discovered she had Strep. So Presley really didn't get to experience skiing on this trip. Canyon, however, loved it. He got bumped up to a higher class and ventured out onto the mountain with Mom after his classes. Mom accidentally directed him to some black runs (where he slid down on his butt). Cousin Laila is an absolute doll. Don and Roz have an amazing pad, literally. Aspen is definitely a 2009 highlight. Hope to be back next year!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Hockey Season Continues

In Minnesota, hockey season never really ends but the "real" season goes from November through March. We are nearing the end and Presley has been a trooper going to all the practices. In Presley's free time, she still really likes to bake with her Easy Bake Oven. Here she is making some sugar cookies. And the weather has finally emerged above 0 degrees. Presley is happy to run around in shorts, even if it is only 20 degrees. And this past week, Canyon was excited to try being goalie for his team. It's hard to watch as a parent as the other team shoots shot after shot at Canyon. But he had fun, even with all the gear that he had to wear. Afterwards, he said he has more fun shooting at the other team's goalie, than being the goalie.