Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Hockey Season Continues

In Minnesota, hockey season never really ends but the "real" season goes from November through March. We are nearing the end and Presley has been a trooper going to all the practices. In Presley's free time, she still really likes to bake with her Easy Bake Oven. Here she is making some sugar cookies. And the weather has finally emerged above 0 degrees. Presley is happy to run around in shorts, even if it is only 20 degrees. And this past week, Canyon was excited to try being goalie for his team. It's hard to watch as a parent as the other team shoots shot after shot at Canyon. But he had fun, even with all the gear that he had to wear. Afterwards, he said he has more fun shooting at the other team's goalie, than being the goalie.

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