Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Summer Highs and Lows

No one said life was easy. This summer, Ron and I are celebrating our 10 year wedding anniversary. We have been looking forward to enjoying my anniversary gift to him, which was VIP tickets to the Detroit Lakes Music Festival where Dave Matthews Band (our long time favorite) was headlining. And Grandma Harriet was coming up to watch the kids. On Thursday, Ron noticed a large, suspicious lump on my shoulder. Needless to say, I started to freak out. Ironically, I had a dermatologist appointment scheduled for the next morning. The dermatologist swears it's a benign lipoma (fatty tissue). I am scheduled for surgery in two weeks to have it removed and tested. After the appointment, I was able to lift my spirits (and thank you to Ann for a wonderful chat) and Ron and I headed north for an AWESOME weekend. We "camped" near the festival and checked out some awesome bands like Todd Snider and Ozomatli. We also got to see Pistol Whipping Party Penguins (the lead singer played at our Summer Solstice party) and our beloved Dave Matthews band. VIP is the way to go with special seating, free drinks and food, and our very own bathrooms! A fun adventure sandwiched between some life realities.

After a great weekend away, the weekend ended with another scare. On Sunday, while we were eating dinner, Presey quietly told Mom that she couldn't see out of her right eye. The episode lasted for about 2-3 minutes. After 4 hours in the emergency room, we are hopeful that the diagnosis will be declared an ocular migraine (harmless). However, we have had a detailed eye exam with an opthamologist and have an upcoming appointment with a neurologist to rule out anything more serious. More to come but we are hopeful.

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