Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Eagle Heights Fundraisers

Back to school means back to school fundraisers as well. Eagle Heights has some fun fundraisers. The first is a Leer-a-thon (Read-a-thon). The kids have pledged to read a certain amount of minutes each day for the month of October. If they reach their goal, we will give them a certain dollar amount to give to their school. For every % they exceed their goal, we will increase the pledge accordingly. The kids are so excited and reading everywhere and anytime they can. What a great motivator!

Another fundraiser is a 1-mile fun run. Canyon and Mom ran the fun run this year. Canyon was excited to run with some of his friends. The race began with the 5th graders, then the 4th graders, then the 3rd graders, etc. Canyon (3rd Grade) passed all the 4th and 5th graders who started before him and came in first out of the entire school. And he didn't even have running shoes on. Way to go Canyon!

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