Friday, April 1, 2011

School Event Highlights

In March, we had some very fun and special school events. St. Patty's Day was one of these events. St. Patty's day is always fun in the Pergande household. Aunt Kimmy treated the kids with special St. Patty's day gear that they love to show off at school.

This March, Canyon also had his special 3rd grade performance where they sang and danced traditional folk tunes. Canyon is pictured below with his good friend Nathan. Canyon was also honored to have a special speaking part. He did great!

In March, Presley's class hosted an Author's Tea. Each student spent several weeks writing a special story. At the tea, the kids read their stories to the parents and then we enjoyed tea and crackers together. Here is the group Presley read with, including her special friend Jackson.

Hockey Tournament Highlights

Canyon's time as a "Mite" hockey player ended this March in the end of season Mite Jamboree. As one of the senior players on his current team, he was given the honor to wear the Detroit Red Wing's "Zetterberg" jersey for the last Red Wings Game. it was a fun tournament. One of the Moms made Player Fan Sticks to cheer on the kids. Presley was definitely Canyon's biggest fan, taking the fan stick to cheer him on whenever he was on the ice. So cute!

Canyon also played in an Elite Mite Tournament with a team that had players from around the South Metro. It was a really cool tournament, where they announced the kids names and gave them them spotlight as they skated in. Canyon's team won the whole tournament and it was a really fun event to be apart of!