Friday, April 1, 2011

School Event Highlights

In March, we had some very fun and special school events. St. Patty's Day was one of these events. St. Patty's day is always fun in the Pergande household. Aunt Kimmy treated the kids with special St. Patty's day gear that they love to show off at school.

This March, Canyon also had his special 3rd grade performance where they sang and danced traditional folk tunes. Canyon is pictured below with his good friend Nathan. Canyon was also honored to have a special speaking part. He did great!

In March, Presley's class hosted an Author's Tea. Each student spent several weeks writing a special story. At the tea, the kids read their stories to the parents and then we enjoyed tea and crackers together. Here is the group Presley read with, including her special friend Jackson.

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