Thursday, January 19, 2012

Presley's 1st Ski Race - Team Gilboa

Presley has joined a ski team this year. Team Gilboa. She skis every Monday and Wednesday at a local hill. And then on 4 separate Sundays, she races against her peers through the ski gates (just like Lindsay Von :)). She is having an absolute blast. Her first race day was a bit icy but she made all the gates and came in 6th (out of 16) for her age group. And she had a blast! Check out the video at the end (ignore Mom's commentary). The team has fun dress up nights too. Below is her crazy super hero outfit!
Fun season so far!

1 comment:

corynn.koch said...

Wow! I didn't know I had such a great skiier in the classroom. Awesome job, Presley! I hoep I can see you ski sometime.

Con carino,
Srta. Koch