Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day 3 - Recovery Day

The hike was a huge accomplishment for our family but it also took a toll on our bodies. Day 3 was about recovery and a more relaxing exploration of the Grand Canyon. We started our day off at the visitor center. Seems ironic now that we feel so connected and intimate with the Canyon. It's a huge visitor center and we watched an inspiring movie on the Grand Canyon. Kids stepped up for front row seats! We also visited the book store and secured a beautiful jigsaw puzzle of the South Rim. And we stopped by Mather point with a great vista of the Canyon!

After the visitor center, we began our drive along East Rim Drive, enjoying vistas such as Grandview Point and Moran Point.

We also enjoyed the Tusayan Ruin & Museum, where we saw evidence of the Anasazi people - a great connection for Presley who is learning about Native American Indians in school. She took all the photos at the museum. Mom also purchased a morbid book (as Canyon would describe it) on all the people that died in the Canyon and how. May be morbid but also quite interesting and insightful!

We then visited the Desert Watchtower, which replicates early Native American architecture. More climbing. Presley 'LOVED" and photographed all the Native American paintings inside! She then went on to photograph pictures at the Kolb Studio and other stops along our way.... A budding photographer!

The view of Bright Angel Trail from the south rim. Hard to believe we walked that far.

Our night ended with a ranger story at the Shrine of the Ages where we learned about the recovery efforts of the California Condor, the largest bird in North America, and a very endangered species. It was great to hear about the efforts, progress, and passion of those trying to help save this amazing bird.

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