Saturday, September 29, 2012

Fall Sports Keep Us Busy

Fall and Spring are probably our busiest season for sports because of the ending of one season the beginning of another. This fall, Presley is playing Soccer and Volleyball. Canyon is playing Baseball and Football.

For Canyon's Fall Baseball team, we hosted a kick-off party at our house for the families. Parent's hung out by the house and the kids make use of the full space at Homeward Hills park.

Presley absolutely loves her Soccer team, the Flaming Pink Lightning. She had the opportunity to do travel soccer but chose to stay with her team for one more season. She always wants to get to her practice and games early and she works hard for her team.

And while Mom is luke warm on Football, Canyon absolutely loves football and loves his team. This year he is playing quarterback again as well as many different positions on the defense. Just wish, it wasn't such a physical sport....

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