Sunday, June 29, 2014

Summer of Fun - Week 3

Our week 3 of summer started with some not so fun news. After being in a zip up cast for 9 weeks to heal a "mild" fracture, we were told that Presley's arm is not healing. She has now been put in a regular cast for 3-4 more weeks and all activities like golf, biking, and hockey must be stopped. Wish we would have done this cast from the beginning. Thank goodness Presley is a good sport!

We took another trip to Valley Fair. This spring/summer we have been pounded with rain. Many of the roads and bridges are closed. Valley Fair was not closed but the parking lot was flooded! This trip we went on scary rides like Steel Venom and calm rides like the old fashioned cars and enjoyed shakes from Ben and Jerry's...

What can you do when you have a broken cast? Mom thinks a hike would be fun and relaxing. Presley and Mom ventured on a hike near the edge of the river valley in Eden Prairie. It was fun until.... we discovered a washed out bridge near the end of our hike. Presley tried to cross and got stuck knee deep in the mud (in flip flops) with her brand new cast also full of mud. Always an adventure. Too bad she wouldn't let me take a picture with the mud... While it wasn't fun at the time, Presley agreed that it was funny in hindsight.

Presley's U10 soccer team was excited to be the first too sign her new cast...

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