Monday, October 6, 2014

Fall Fun - New Beginnings and Saying Goodbye

Presley's fall soccer season with the U11+ team is winding down. The team ended their season with a fall BBQ on one of the last nice summer days and then the following weekend (a chilly one) took home the championship in a 8x8 tournament. Way to end the season!

For this first time in 6 years, Presley decided to dress up for book character day at school, which officially kicks off the October readathon (maraton de lectura). She dressed up as Pippi Longstocking.

Please meet our newest musician in the household. Presley started band this year and has added another saxophone to the family household. Can't wait for the jazz band to get off the ground!

We had a rare free Saturday afternoon this past weekend. To enjoy the weekend, Canyon took a friend to the Fall Festival at Lake Riley. We enjoyed some live music, food, a historic house tour, and a wagon ride. It was chilly afternoon but fun none the less.

After the fall festival, Mom and Presley dropped off Canyon at his pal's house. And then it was Presley's turn to hang out with a friend. We headed down to Jordan to the largest candy store to pick out some treats. The place was packed but it didn't stop the girls from checking everything out!

And it was with a heavy heart that we had to say goodbye to Peanut, Presley's hamster for the last 21 months. We had a special ceremony to honor both Peanut and Stanley, who passed away last December. Peanut is buried with Stanley in the peanut shaped landscaping in our front lawn next to the catnip. Rest in peace Stanley and Peanut. We love you!

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