Sunday, April 10, 2016

Costa Rica Day 6 - Curicancha Reserve

Our first full day in Monteverde, we visited Curicancha Reserve, a private reserve in the Cloudforest, to hike and spot some of the regions local birds.

Mom starts off the hike showing off her Tarzan skills.

This morning was the beginning of a tough journey for Canyon. His ear hurt in the morning but was a trooper and joined us on the hike. After the hike, Mom stopped by a pharmacy to pick up some ear drops and pain medicine to help him improve.

On the hike, we were looking for the Resplendent Quetzal, a unique bird only found in the cloud forest. We didn't find the Questzal but our naturalist guide Donald, helped us spot the Toucan, the elusive Three-Wattled Bellbird, the Black Guan and some hummingbirds. We also spotted a huge beetle and millipede!

After our hike in the reserve, the pain medicine kicked in for Canyon but Dad's tummy was giving him some trouble. While Dad rested, the kids and Mom enjoyed some awesome relaxation and reading time in the hammocks on the lodge property. Was super chilling experience.

After our rest, the kids and Mom adventured to find a local Ficus Tree that we heard about from our river guides in Manuel Antonio. This tree (and a couple of others) had been entwined and hollowed out by encroaching vines. The tree is not highlighted in any guide books so we had to adventure past the town and inquire with the locals how to find it. Along the way, we picked up a local dog that joined us on our search. After much searching and help from locals, we found the giant tree that you could climb inside. Super cool (and free) experience!

Unfortunately, that night Canyon's ear went from bad to worse and he started screaming in pain. It was late but one of the workers from the hotel was nice enough to take Canyon and Mom to the emergency clinic where we learned that his drops were not working. She started him on oral antibiotics and gave him a shot of strong pain medicine to help cure this terrible infection. She then asked us to come back tomorrow night to get looked at again.

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