Monday, July 3, 2017

Alaska Day 6 - Glacier Climbing

Today is our last full day in Seward. We slept in and then headed to Exit Glacier and the Harding Icefield. Exit Glacier spills from the Harding Ice Field. The Harding Icefield and its outflowing glaciers cover 700 square miles wide and is 1 mile deep. As a family, we all headed to the "Toe of the Glacier" via a 1.9 mile hike.

Pictures from Exit Glacier...

After visiting the edge of the Glacier, Ron and Presley decided to head to lunch while Mom and Canyon decided to climb the 8.2 mile and 3,000 ft elevation gain to the Harding Ice Field. It was a very tough but rewarding hike.

Crazy insects attacking us along the hike...

A view of the vast Harding Icefield from the top...

Mom and Canyon's picture from the top...

Canyon hiking along the glacier...

Mom making a snow angel in the glacier...

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