Monday, October 30, 2017

MEA Weekend in Southern California

For MEA this year, we travelled to Southern California to see Grandpa and Grammie Liz and start our first college visits for Canyon to get a sense of what he likes. We visited Mom's alma mater (UCLA) and Aunt Jamie's alma mater (USC). We also visited Pomona College (one of the Clarement Colleges). We ran into other MN families that were also visiting for MEA weekend. Not sure if we honed in on any specific schools or characteristics but it was fun to start to get a sense of what this process might be like over the next two years.

At UCLA...

At USC...

On our visit, we were also fortunate to spend a bit of time with our good pals, the Grays. We stayed with them Friday night and then participated in the Walk Fundraiser for Club 21, something the Grays started over 7 years ago. So proud to see the amazing community and network they have built.

Ron with Estelle at the Walk...

Presley inspired us to hike to the Wisdom Tree in Griffith Park (the only touristy thing we had time for while in CA)...

On Saturday, all the cousins came over. Great night and great to spend time with family!

And no trip to California would be complete with out a trip to In & Out. This was our first "walk-up" In & Out...

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