Monday, November 6, 2017

Celebrating Granny Kohls - 100 Years Young!

Our dear Great Granny Kohls died on October 24th after 97.5 years. She was the epitome of optimism and was the matriarch that kept our family together. She lived a full life, having a cookie and a beer every single night. While we are going to miss her dearly, I am so happy that she had the life that she did. She was active and mobile through her very last day. She never complained and "didn't have a pain in her body". She was always so thankful and appreciative of her family. Over the last year, she believed she was 98 years old and that this year was a special year because the next two birthdays would come together and would come very soon. Her daughter Carol died earlier this fall. We learned that Carol's ashes were buried on the afternoon October 23rd. Granny prepared for bed as usual that night and made her coffee for the next morning. But when she went to sleep, Carol's spirit must have called her as Granny died that night peacefully in her sleep.

Our family had a beautiful service for her in Red Wing with the extended family. We celebrated her 10 decades of life and enjoyed nice family time in a beautiful home on the Mississippi river. Her last dream was to get on the Smucker's jar to celebrate 100 years. She was right when she said that the last two birthdays come together and were coming very, very soon. Ron and I were excited to make her last wish come true with her picture on the Smucker's jar. We will miss you Granny! Hope they had a coldie waiting for you!

I took Granny shopping on October 12th (<2 weeks before she died). She was so happy to be stocking up for winter!

One of the 9 picture board celebrating her life...

Before the service...

Her family...

Her Smucker's jar...

Family time after service (Canyon and Presley giving each other foot massages)

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