All fosters must be spayed or neutered before they can be adopted. Domino, our foster kitty, was scheduled to be spayed when we got an unexpected call they wanted to have her checked because they thought she might have cancer. When we took her in for a "precheck", we found out that she doesn't have cancer but actually may be pregnant. No way we were going to let them take and kill those little babies. Since we are heading out of town on spring break soon, our rescue organization has found another foster family to take Domino to see her through the birth of these little kitties. We are going to miss this sweet soul sooooo much!
Canyon's "APUSH" class was having a field trip to visit Stone Arch Bridge, James J. Hill House, the St. Paul Cathedral, the newly renovated Capitol and Grand Avenue in St. Paul for lunch. They needed parent chaperones for the trip. Much to Canyon's dismay, I signed up to chaperone with one my friends (another Mom) :). This was a super easy and fun field trip to chaperone because all of these kids are responsible and we just got to go along for the ride (they had us on separate buses from our kids). It was like our own personal tour that ended in a fun lunch. Here are a couple of pics from the day....
Standing underneath Stone Arch Bridge. Stone Arch Bridge, a former railroad bridge crossing the Mississippi River at Saint Anthony Falls in downtown Minneapolis. It was built by railroad tycoon James J. Hill for his Great Northern Railway. It is the only arched bridge made of stone on the entire length of the Mississippi River. Today it is a pedestrian and bicycle bridge.
Standing outside the James J. Hill house (see Canyon avoiding Mom)...
The 3 "APUSH" classes outside the St. Paul Cathedral, overlooking downtown St. Paul. The cathedral is the 3rd largest church in the US.
When we started fostering, our goal was to save animals that would otherwise be killed. We "failed" with our 2nd foster Roxxy when we adopted her so we wanted to make sure we got back to fostering again in 2018. We also thought it might be fun for Roxxy to have a playmate in the house. Our first foster of 2018 is actually a beautiful young cat named Domino. We weren't sure how the dog/cat situation would work out so we decided to set up the cat in the office to give Roxxy and Domino some adjustment time to get to know each other. Here's a pic of Roxxy and Domino "meeting" each other.
But we forgot how agile cats are. Domino very quickly "broke out" of her room. She immediately told Roxxy who was boss and stated to explore all the features of our house. Roxxy kept her distance but let Domino that she wanted to be her friend.
Within 24 hours, Roxxy and Domino started to warm up to each other and Domino "settled in" quite nicely.
Within 48 hours, the two were becoming fast friends -- hanging out on the couch, helping me with our taxes, and even taking naps together. Such a great experience to see two different species get to know each other and respect each other. Wish humans could do the same....
Wanted to share a couple of highlights from our month of March! Ron has the opportunity to take customers to the Wild Game every year. This year, he took his buddy and colleague Michael (from St. Louis) to the Wild vs. Blues game. Wild win!!
For the last couple of years, Mom tries to see all the Academy nominated "best picture" movies. This year, I actually saw all of them and hosted an Oscar viewing party. These are the my movie watching buddies that do the annual tradition with me outside our last movie of the season!
Mom takes Roxxy for a walk in the trails by our house on most nice days. After our most recent snow, Mom talked Presley into joining us. Absolutely stunning!