Tuesday, March 13, 2018

A new foster stops by the Pergande household!

When we started fostering, our goal was to save animals that would otherwise be killed. We "failed" with our 2nd foster Roxxy when we adopted her so we wanted to make sure we got back to fostering again in 2018. We also thought it might be fun for Roxxy to have a playmate in the house. Our first foster of 2018 is actually a beautiful young cat named Domino. We weren't sure how the dog/cat situation would work out so we decided to set up the cat in the office to give Roxxy and Domino some adjustment time to get to know each other. Here's a pic of Roxxy and Domino "meeting" each other.

But we forgot how agile cats are. Domino very quickly "broke out" of her room. She immediately told Roxxy who was boss and stated to explore all the features of our house. Roxxy kept her distance but let Domino that she wanted to be her friend.

Within 24 hours, Roxxy and Domino started to warm up to each other and Domino "settled in" quite nicely.

Within 48 hours, the two were becoming fast friends -- hanging out on the couch, helping me with our taxes, and even taking naps together. Such a great experience to see two different species get to know each other and respect each other. Wish humans could do the same....

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