Sunday, November 10, 2019

Fall Excerpts

I have not been as good at updating the blog these days. But looked at photos to pull out a couple of fall highlights. Presley, Mom and Dad were fortunate to get invited to a Gopher Football game on a beautiful fall day. Dad was also invited to a game this fall with a couple of buddies. This has been a winning season for the Gophers. As of this post, the Gophers are 10-0, the most winning season in over a hundred years.

The Eden Prairie Eagles did not fare as well this season. They have historically been the best or one of the best teams in the state. This year the team fell to Rosemount in the playoffs. Nevertheless, the kids still enjoy going to the games and getting dressed up in the "themes". Here's a pic of Presley with the kids' friend Annabelle in "Pink Out".

This year is a very bittersweet year with Canyon's last year of high school. This fall, he joined some buddies on a college visit to Nebraska. Had a blast but unfortunately had a rough following week, pick up some bug that had him under the weather for 7 days, ultimately requiring a hospital visit for fluids and shots..... He's on the mend now, thank goodness.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

funay famly moment. whey did u guys leve me?