Sunday, September 7, 2014

Celebrating Auntie Annie's Birthday at Beach Camp

Mom and Dad were excited to see the kids after our escape to the San Juan Islands. According to Presley, Beach Camp was "probably the most amazing week of my life". What a special experience with Auntie Annie, the cousins, and the ocean. On Saturday, August 23rd, Mom and Dad got to experience Beach Camp as well and celebrate Auntie Annie's birthday. It was an absolutely gorgeous day! We started the day with Grandma Harriet's blueberry pancakes, cooked for all the counselors and Annie. And then the party began. We went ziplining, paddle boarding, trapezing (is that a word?), cliff diving, raft jumping, just like the kids did all week. We were also fortunate that some of our friends were able to experience it with us, including the Kellerans, the Frossards, and the Owens (coincidentally also visiting from MN). What an amazing day and amazing experience! Thank you Auntie Annie!

Beach camp week excerpts (without Mom and Dad)

Mom and Dad arrive back to beach camp and enjoy a bonfire on the beach

Annie's Birthday Breakfast on the Deck

Presley shows Mom around the camp

Canyon holds a crab that the divers caught that we will grill for dinner later that day

Cousin Laila and Hadley become fast friends to explore beach camp

And MN pals Taylor and Presley enjoy the adventures of beach camp

Mom's amazing flip off the trapeze! Canyon's comment, "Mom, that was really good!" makes Mom's day!

Mom enjoys reconnecting with the Kelleran clan after 7 years since our last visit to WA

Amazing sunset over the Puget Sound

Our last day in Seattle, we enjoyed an amazing day on the dock, spending time as a family, cliff diving, playing cards, and enjoying one last sunset before heading back home to MN. Great trip!

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