Tuesday, September 9, 2014

First Day of School - 7th Grade and 5th Grade

This was a momentous year in the Pergande household. Canyon started middle school with the new very early bus time of 7:05 am. Presley continues to be able to sleep in with a bus time of 8:16. We continued our tradition of a special "first day of school breakfast". This year we had overnight french toast bake, sausage, and fruit. We also continued our tradition to take pictures by our front tree and pictures at the bus stop (even though it was clear that Canyon no longer wanted to take pictures or have us at the bus stop). These kids are growing up too fast! Today we also said goodbye to Grammy. Trisha and Grammy enjoyed a nice day of yoga and coffee before we took her back to the Amtrak station for her ride back to ND. Thanks Grammy for a fun visit!

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