Tuesday, July 7, 2015

4th of July Road Trip - Day 1: The Trip

Pergandes love a road trip! For the 4th, we headed north to explore the famous Minnesota North Shore. The trip was full of adventure, great experiences, and lots of games! Our goal was Grand Portage near the Canadian border. The kids settled in for a long car ride and Mom made sure we explored any interesting stop along the way, including a stop in Cloquet, home of the a famous gas station designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. The station is still operational and still offers full service!

On route to Grand Portage, we stopped in the cute town of Grand Marais to grab dinner and our next day's lunch. We had amazing fresh caught fish and chips from the Angry Trout. We also picked up some great smoked fish and local cheese for our lunch the next day. And the kids began enjoying the north shore as they started the first of many rock skipping contests.

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