Thursday, May 5, 2016

Proud Mom Moments

Have always been proud of Canyon but a couple of spotlights this past couple of weeks reinforced this. During April, Canyon was invited to participated in the CCM High Performance Festival in Duluth MN for 14 year olds. This festival brings together the top 2002 hockey players in the state to play against each other. The kids that make it to this stage had to first be recommended by their coach and then participate in 2 separate stages of tryouts to make it to the festival. It was a fun weekend and we also got to spend time hanging out and playing against some of his 2002 Icemen teammates. Below are a couple of pics from the weekend. I am also proud for Canyon for getting up every Tuesday morning for the last two years to arrive at school by 6:45 am to participate in the Jazz Band Ensemble (especially because he is not an early riser). This is his last year in band. To finish off with a bang, he had a solo performance in the final concert of the year in front of his peers and parents. No pictures because I didn't want to embarrass him but I have the memories etched in my brain :). Way to go Canyon!

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