Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Memorial Day Camping - Lac Qui Parle State Park

We continued our annual tradition of camping over Memorial Day weekend with our pals, the Holjes. This year we headed to Lac Qui Parle State Park on the west side of the state. We also upgraded to cabins after last year's non stop rain and tick infestation. It was a great upgrade that we truly appreciated this weekend, which also started off with rain but ended with amazing weather. This weekend was full of adventures and fun firsts.

The Pergandes look a bit like the Beverly Hillbillies with our overloaded truck heading out of town...

Ron and Craig toasting our glorious new digs...

Thank you Matthew to finding our lost car keys! Phew!

Unusual finds along our river hike to the historic Fort Renville site...

A stop by the very first church in Minnesota...

Parents only hike and climbing adventure...

Another year of "fishing" but never catching a single fish...

Glorious sunsets from our campsite...

The family picture...

Finding and touching the state's largest cottonwood tree...

Finding and touching one of the world's oldest rock, this one dated over 3,800,000,000 years old...

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