Thursday, June 9, 2016

End of School Year Highlights

The 2016-17 school year has come to an end for Canyon and Presley. Canyon will be moving on to high school in the fall and Presley will be moving on to middle school. I blinked and they grew up. I truly appreciate every moment that I have with these very special kids. Ron and I felt very fortunate to be at Presley's 6th grade celebration where they walked from the school to Staring Lake Park. It was a beautiful day and fun to watch Presley with her friends (and their "ENOs"). This will be the last year of her Spanish Immersion experience. Next year, her class will join the 5 other elementary schools at Central Middle School

Canyon's school had an end of year 8th grade awards ceremony to honor of the special achievements of students. Canyon was recognized for the President's Education Award for great grades for both 7th and 8th grade and high scores on national tests. The principal read a nice letter from President Obama. Was fun to see Canyon share this award with several of his 14AAA baseball teammates.

A couple of other end of year highlights included Canyon hitting his 3rd home run of the season at the Wayzata baseball tournament and the Pergande first trip to Eden Prairie Schooner days where Presley and Mom experienced a cultural phenomenon in the bingo tent!

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