Because Ron's radiation treatment continued through April 7th, we had to cancel our spring break for 2017. While this was extremely disappointing for us, we also knew that we all wanted to be together for Ron's last week of treatment, the toughest time, and also be together to celebrate the end of treatment. The kids kept busy during the week with sports practices. Canyon had high school baseball and High Performance hockey practices during the week while Presley had practices with her 12U Ice Cougars hockey team (and was nursing a stress fracture on her left foot). We tried to incorporate a couple of staycation activities, which included a cultural experience to see the MN Rollergirls with some friends and an outing for the Twins home opener against the Kansas City Royals. And then on Friday, we all drove to Mayo for Ron's last radiation treatment. Yeah!!! Let the recovery begin!
Canyon made a best with one of his hockey buddies this hockey season. Whoever lost the bet had to get a buzz cut. The bet got a lot of buzz throughout the hockey community. I learned about this bet from many other parents (parents that were not even on our hockey team) who could't believe that Canyon would make such a bet because he hadn't had "short" hair since he was a toddler. Canyon was the unfortunate loser of this bet. Right before spring break, Canyon followed through on his end of the deal, and got all of his hair shaved off. It actually looks pretty good and I was proud of his follow through.
The Eden Prairie Bantam AA travelled to Marshall, MN to play in the state tournament with the other top 7 teams in the state. This is a big deal with all the games being televised, an opening ceremony banquet, and brand new gear (always a big deal for the boys). The boys first match up was against Blaine, a team we had beaten two other times during the regular season. This game was an epic battle that ended in a tie after 3 periods and then went into a state history making 6 full overtimes (10 minutes each). Unfortunately, Eden Prairie ended on the losing side of that battle but I was so proud of how Canyon and his team played. It was such an amazing experience, regardless of the final score on the scoresheet. Great season boys!
Another highlight was running into a friend from the Edina Bantam A team that was also playing in the state tournament. One of the dad's on that team was recently diagnosed with colon cancer. In support of that dad and all those fighting cancer, the boys got special state jersey's to show their support. Ron was so touched to find out that our friend's son, Cy, had Ron's initials put on his jersey. Super cool!
While cancer sucks, it also has some highs when you see the love of friends and family that come out to show you support. We were blessed throughout this process with gifts, meal trains, and out of town visitors that came out to show Ron and our family how much they love us and our praying for us. It will be impossible to thank everyone but we were forever grateful.
We arrived home back from Mexico to see the last games of the kids' region tournament. Canyon's team was lucky to place 2nd in regions and earn a spot to the state tournament with the top 8 teams in the state. Presley's team had a good run at regions but unfortunately did not make it to state. This was also the week Ron started his radiation treatment so he was not able to travel to one of his industry's biggest conferences. His colleagues and other industry leaders came out in full force to support him with Rocking for Red Cooler Ron wristbands and a dedication from Jim Belushi on his road to recovery.
Mom surprised Dad for this 50th with a trip to Mexico to see Dave Matthews Band. When we first got the cancer diagnosis, we were not sure if we were going to be able to take the trip. However, karma was on our side again as the trip happened to fall perfectly between Ron's surgery and when his radiation treatment would begin. We spent 4 amazing days at Barcelo Resort in Rivera Maya with good pals, Joe and Rhonda, and 3 amazing nights of great concerts on the beach. And we were lucky to have Grandma Harriet come to town to take care of the kids while they were in their district hockey tournaments. Thanks again to the hockey community to welcoming her into the hockey family.
Ron recovered for about 4 weeks after his surgery before his radiation treatment was to begin. Unfortunately, during that time, we learned that one of Presley's hockey friends and teammates was diagnosed with Leukemia. It has been a hard year for this team and it was really impressive to see how they came together to support both Ron and their friend Kate. In fact, it was amazing to see how this crazy but strong hockey community rallies to support those in need. During Ron's recovery process, we also had a nice weekend visit from Ron's good friends Mike and Terry and also got to visit with Aunt Colleen, Aunt Carol, and Great Granny over lunch at Mall of America
While the birthday celebrations were a bit more subdued this year for the kids, the milestones were still huge. Canyon turned 15 and got his driver's permit which is a big and scary deal for all of us. And Presley is now a teenager! This year really highlighted how fast the time goes.
During Ron's surgery weekend, both kids had out of town hockey games. Presley's team coincidentally had a tournament in Rochester while Canyon's team was venturing up North. Presley's team made awesome signs supporting Ron, won actual tournament, and gave their winning trophy to Ron. The trophy was so fitting because it had an eagle (Eden Prairie Eagles), a flag (Ron always hangs his flag at hockey game tailgates), and was the 51st annual tournament (Ron had 51 lymph nodes taken out). All good karma.
We were very fortunate to have Auntie Annie and Terry come for the weekend. They drove the kids down to Rochester and then drove Canyon all the way up north for his games on Saturday and Sunday. It was great for Canyon to have family with him and also a way for Terry and Annie to experience a true Minnesota hockey weekend.