Thursday, June 29, 2017

Alaska - Day 2 - Denali Backcountry Adventure

Denali has only 1 90 mile road into the park. After 15 miles, only authorized vehicles are able to continue on. Too see the park, you must arrange a tour. Our tour was arranged through Denali Backcountry Adventure and would represent an all day narrated bus tour (or safari as we affectionately called it) to see wildlife and hopefully see Denali mountain. On our trip, we were blessed with amazing weather. Denali was in full showing all day for multiple viewings throughout the journey. The drive was scary at times with a very narrow dirt road at crazy heights and no guard rails. Our wildlife spotting included some bear cubs and their mother, lots of caribou, a moose, and lots of varieties of birds including swans and golden eagles. When we arrived at the end of the 90 mile road, we enjoyed a nice lunch, some gold panning, and rock tossing along the river. It ended up being a very long day (15 hours) and we all took various naps throughout our journey.

Bear cubs on side of road...

Caribou herd grazing in the valley...

Denalit Mountain view from visitor center...

Along the road...

Ansel Adam's Reflection Pond...

Afternoon enjoyment at the "End of the Road" included lunch, gold panning, and river fun..

Presley was the only one okay showing her afternoon nap on the blog. Each of the Pergandes has a picture of them "napping" along the way. Thanks Presley for helping us capture the moment!

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