Thursday, June 29, 2017

End of School Year Highlights

As the school year winded down, we have some end of year highlights...

Presley's 7th grade class had an end of year picnic at Staring Lake. Mom grilled the hotdogs and Dad came to play some tunes for Presley ands some of her friends.

Canyon had ceramics this past quarter and he came home on the last day of school with some amazing pottery, including this vase...

The kids got straight As for each quarter of the school year. Instead of going to to dinner after each quarter, they opted to "save up" and get new phones at the end of the year. They were ready to go the first day after school ended to go straight to the Apple store!

Ron flew to Chicago to walk with his colleagues in a walk to support cancer research. Pretty cool how is company is continues to show support!

Mom and Ron got a night out at the Twins for a GPA event. Great seats, beautiful night..

Mom and kids enjoyed our a nice afternoon of foot golf. Canyon came in first, Presley second, and Mom last.... Fun regardless of the score.

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