Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Australia Day 2 - Exploring Cairns and Seeing the Cousins

Pergandes were excited to start day 2 early to explore Cairns and see the cousins!! We started early with a trip to the Botanic Gardens, a rainforest in miniature, with tall trees, tropical flowers, and interesting critters. We enjoyed the Red Arrow Walk, a steep 3K walking track with views of the town center, Trinity Bay, and the airport. Along the way, we ran into a wild turkey and some crazy big spiders!

Kids decided to get artsy near the end of our adventure at the Botanic gardens and enjoyed take lots of artsy pics of the flowers and plants.

At noon, the Menzies arrived!! We headed to the city's free lagoon, a beautiful pool built on the oceanfront. We listened to live music while the cousins and siblings reunited while swimming in the pool.

After swimming, we strolled along the Esplanade to enjoy a late lunch, our first of several awesome family meals together.

After our lunch, we headed to the marina to confirm our boats out to the reef the following day. While Kathy located the boats, we listened to more music while David and Ron enjoyed a beer and Rebecca braided Presley's hair. Fun relaxation in Cairns.

We then headed back to the hotel to settle in before our big adventure out to Fitzroy Island. We "discovered" the hotel pool in the garage park. Might be literally the craziest place I have seen a pool. Didn't deter us. Kids played, Grandma Harriet relaxed, and Ron/David played the guitar and ukelele. A fun first day with the family!

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